Nice Tramway Line 2 at the Airport, April 2019
YouTube navn: michaelinlondon.
Sprog: Fransk.
Dato: April 2019.
By: Nice (Frankrig).
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Nice sporvognslinje 2: Lufthavnen Terminal 2 - Port Lympia
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The western surface section of Nice’s new line T2 tramway opened in 2018 and is catenary free. The Alstom Citadis X05 trams are equipped with Ecopack supercapacitors which are recharged at stops in 20 sec using Alstom’s SRS ground-based static charging technology. The line is the first application of SRS, which is a development of Alstom’s APS ground-level power supply technology.
Line T2 provides a link to the Airport and a light rail service for the new commercial/residential developments around Cadam. As elsewhere in France, the tram is part of an urban improvement scheme. The tracks are mostly laid in grass reservation and there has been much planting of greenery and landscaping. Travel within the airport is free as the tram also serves as the inter-terminal shuttle.
The eastern underground section of the line to Port Lympia is scheduled to open in Summer 2019, however the geology was more problematic than anticipated so this may not happen.