Postkort: Philadelphia motorvogn 1776 ved Drakes (1973)
Lokalitet: Drakes.
Arkiv: Henrik Boye.
Dato: December 1973.
By: Philadelphia (USA).
Billedet viser
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA)
I drift
Philadelphia motorvogn 1776, fabrik Pullman-Standard Car Manufacturing Company, type PCC, bemalet The Spirit of 1776.
PAT #1776, Drake's Loop
(Port Authority Transit of
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania)
This early version of the PCC Car, without standee windows at Drak's Loop in December 1973.
Nearly 500 of these cars were built in the 20 or os years starting in the early 1930s
![Postkort: Philadelphia motorvogn 1776 ved Drakes (1973)](/foto/m/postkort-philadelphia-motorvogn-1776-ved-drakes-1973.webp)
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