Postkort: London hestesporvogn (1960)
Arkiv: Henrik Boye.
Udgiver: J. Arthur Dixon.
Dato: 1960.
By: London (Storbritannien).
Billedet viser
London Transport Museum
Åbent regelmæssigt
Opstillet London hestesporvogn (ex Chesterfield hestesporvogn), bemalet Brampton & Chesterfield.
Built by George F. Milnes & Co. Ltd. of Birkenhead in 1897, the car operate until 1904. It has seating capacity for 16 passengers and the body framework is of oak, there are four main side windows, glazed on 4 wheels, the brake being operated by a ratchet type handle mounted on the platform which applies cast iron shoes to all wheels. A paraffin lamp on the near side at each end of the saloon provides interior illumination and acts as an exterior direction light.
This car is preserved at the Museum of British Transport, London, S.W.4

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