Postkort: Le Mans sporvognslinje T1 med lavgulvsledvogn 1013 "Sargé-lès-le-Mans" tæt på Repulique (2013)
Stoppested: Repulique.
Arkiv: Henrik Boye.
Fotograf: Bill MacDonald.
Dato: 30. september 2013.
By: Le Mans (Frankrig).
Billedet viser
Société d'économie mixte des transports en commun de l'agglomération mancelle (SETRAM)
I drift
Le Mans sporvognslinje T1: Université - Antarès-MMArena
I drift
Le Mans lavgulvsledvogn 1013 "Sargé-lès-le-Mans", fabrik Alstom, type Citadis 302, i retning mod Université.
MTC #266 - Le Mans, France
Number 1013 is am Alstom five-secton, low-floor Citadis tram, model 302. It is 32,80m long, 2,40m wide, and has seating for 64 and a total capacity of 211. It was photographed eastbound at Place de la République in the city centre, on September 30, 2013. Car 1013 is one of a fleet of 34 units, of which 23 were built in 2006-2007 and additional cars in 2011-2013. The modern-day Le Mans tram system opened in November 2007.

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