Postkort: Historical Blackpool Trams (1986)

Arkiv: Henrik Boye.
Fotograf: John Garnham.
Udgiver: John Winde Original.
Dato: 1986.
By: Blackpool (Storbritannien).

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Blackpool Transport
I drift

Blackpool Heritage Trams: Starr Gate - Fleetwood Ferry
I drift

Blackpool motorvogn 167.

Blackpool museumsvogn 66 (ex Bolton dobbeltdækker-motorvogn 66), fabrik ER&TCW, type 4-axle motor car, beskiltet Talbot Square.

Blackpool museumsvogn 40 (ex Blackpool motorvogn 40), type Blackpool & Fleetwood Box.

Blackpool dobbeltdækker-motorvogn 40, type Vintage cars.


Historical Blackpool Trams

Historical Blackpool Trams: Top left: Blackpool Pantograph Car No. 167, built in 1928 and withdrawn from normal service 1953, now preserved, is seen here at Blundell Street in ICI sponsonsorship. Top right: Bolton 66, this popular car was rebuilt over several years from a fem remains by enthusiasts and came to Blackpool in 1981. It has been in active service during the summer months ever since. Bottom left: Blackpool Standard No. 40, built in 1926 and finally withdrawn in 1963. Seen here as restored for the 1985 Tramway Centenary at Talbot Square, sponsored by the Electricity Board. Bottom right: Blackpool Box Car No 40 was one of four built for the in 1920 to No. 114 in the Blackpool Corporation Fleet. Withdrawn from passenger sevice in 1936 and now preserved.

Postkort: Historical Blackpool Trams

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