Postkort: Crich museumslinje med motorvogn 2 nær Bowes-Lyon Bridge (1965)
Lokalitet: Bowes-Lyon Bridge.
Arkiv: Henrik Boye.
Udgiver: J. Arthur Dixon.
Dato: 1965.
By: Crich (Storbritannien).
Billedet viser
Crich Tramway Village
Åbent regelmæssigt
Crich museumslinje: Town End Terminus - Glory Mine terminus
Kun sommerdrift
Crich motorvogn 2 (ex Blackpool motorvogn 2), fabrik Milnes, type 4-axle motor car, beskiltet Depot.
Crich dobbeltdækker-motorvogn 45 (ex Southampton dobbeltdækker-motorvogn 45).
Architectural features at the National Tramway Museum, Crich include the Bowes-Lyon Bridge. Framed here, Southampton 45 and Blackpool and Fleetwood 2, the track is interiaced here to pass through an arch in the bridge.
L6/SP.10233-T.M.S. 39

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