Modelsporvogn: San Francisco Sporvognsmodeller (2021)
Fotograf: Silas Boye Nissen.
Udgiver: San Francisco Cable Car Museum.
Dato: 2. august 2021.
By: San Francisco (USA).
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San Francisco Cable Car Museum
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The models, in this case, are part of a more extensive collection of cable car models built by Dr. George Rahilly between 1969 and 1972. Rahilly built 57 models to represent every type of cable car operated in San Francisco. The first 14 of the models were displayed at the San Francisco Wells Fargo History Room in 1971. In 1973 the models were presented to the City of San Francisco. After the reconstruction of the cable car system and the restoration of the Car Barn in 1984, the models were deeded to the San Francisco Cable Car Museum for permanent display.
Market Street Cable Railway Company RPO CAR.
In late 1800, the U.F. Postal Service developed the "railway post office car" (RPO car) in cooperation with various railway companies. RPO cars were in service long before using trucks or other vehicles to deliver mail. These cars performed several jobs.
Omnibus "Open Car" - no. 104.
The "open" design was most famous for cable cars at the turn of the century, although it was introduced with home-drawn equipment.
MSR Car No. 15.
Car no. 15 was a large-tram car similar to no. 33 and nor. 103. The Market Street Railway assigned car no. 15 to the Hayes Street line, which ran from the Ferry Building along Market Street to Hayes Street (at 9th and Market) and continued past City Hall to the east end of Golden Gate Park.
United Railroads Car No. 2.
This model sorts a larger version of the "California"-type car. Cars of this type were rebuilt from open cars of the Market Street line and ran from 1906 to 1942. They proved to be very unpopular with gripman, who considered them too big, too "chunky," heavy, hard to stop, etc.

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