Most extra line 3: Litvínov, Citadela - Most, nádraží


City: Most (Czech Republic).
Route length: 14.8 km (9.2 miles).
Driving time: 28 min.

Track gauge: 1000 mm (metre gauge).
Opened: December 1, 1939.
Closed: November 1, 1960.

Track gauge: 1435 mm (standard gauge).
Opened: November 1, 1960.

The line is operated by

Dopravní podnik měst Mostu a Litvínova (DPMML)

Lines in Most

Select line type: Tram lines, extra lines, and night lines.

Extra lines in Most

1Most extra line 1: Litvínov, Citadela - Most, Velebudická

3Most extra line 3: Litvínov, Citadela - Most, nádraží

Most extra line 7

Most extra line 3: Litvínov, Citadela - Most, nádraží stops

Litvínov, Citadela, Most, nádraží, and Sportovni hala.

View the route map in high resolution.

Photos and videos of Most extra line 3: Litvínov, Citadela - Most, nádraží

Most and Litvinov tram / Tramwaj prosto z Mostu - CZ08Most and Litvinov tram / Tramwaj prosto z Mostu - CZ08By Niskopodłogowiec.
March 12, 2016.
Die Straßenbahn in Most-Litvínov / Tramvaj v Most-LitvínovDie Straßenbahn in Most-Litvínov / Tramvaj v Most-LitvínovBy KT4Dani.
May 25, 2012.
Most extra line 3 with railcar 257 at Sportovni hala (2008)Most extra line 3 with railcar 257 at Sportovni hala (2008)By Ole Hald.
July 11, 2008.

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Last updated: May 9, 2023.