Railways Economiques de Liège-Seraing et Extensions (RELSE)


City: Liège (Belgium).
Total route length: 28.5 km (17.7 miles).

Track gauge: 1435 mm (standard gauge).
Opened: July 21, 1881.
Closed: August 28, 1961.

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Trams and light rails in Belgium

Select a city: Antwerp, Brussels, Charleroi, Érezée, Ghent, Han-sur-Lesse, Liège, Ostend, Schepdaal, Thuin, and Verviers.

Other tram companies in Liège

Société des Transports Intercommunaux de l'Agglomération Verviétois (STLV)

Tramways Liégeois (TL)

Tramway Est-Ouest de Liège et Extensions (TEO)

Tramways Unifiés de Liège et Extensions (TULE)

Tram museums in Liège

Musée des Transports en commun de Wallonie
Open regularly

Location on a map

See the official route map.

Former trams in operation

Railcar: 1, 45, 51.

Sidecar: 114.

Musée des Transports en commun de Wallonie
Open regularly

Railcar: 1, 45, 51.

Sidecar: 114.

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Musée des Transports en commun de Wallonie
Language: Dutch, English, French, German.

See all links about trams in Liège.

Last updated: May 21, 2023.